A lively restaurant scene with modern architecture featuring large, illuminated columns. Patrons are seated at various tables, engaged in conversation and dining. The atmosphere is bustling and sociable.

Serpentine Event Photography

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Serpentine Event Photography

Hyde Park Event Photographer

Walking through Hyde Park to get to Chucs Serpentine wasn’t my typical compute to work! I don’t normally walk past a Henry Moore sculpture on a Wednesday evening.

When you spot the cafe in the distance you can’t help but be amazed with the architecture of the building. I have visited Serpentine gallery many times over the years with my wife but we have never stopped to have a bite to eat at the restaurant so it made a nice change to (eat a few canapés and) photograph corporate images at such a impressive venue. Watching the chefs at work in the open kitchen was also impressive to see how much work, skill and dedication goes into feeding 100+ guests throughout the evening.

The layout of the venue worked really well for a drink reception because there was space for the guests to either sit down and have a natter with their fellow guests or to stand in a small crowd. With the vibe of Chucs being so comfortable and informal it was a fun job photographing the guests enjoying their surroundings.


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